Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On to the next exciting chapter of my life!

Wow, so hard to sum up such an experience. I will try my best. All I can is that this was the best experience of my life by far. Hands down. I want to thank everyone I've met while in Europe. I already miss all of you so much and greatly look forward to seeing you again, wherever we may be in this crazy world.  

After this trip, I still have only seen 9% of the world. Check out this map to see what I've covered so far. Still a lot to do!

Things I've missed since being in Europe:

Family and friends, driving, Jeopardy, Ellen, my comfy bed, taking a bath, dishwashers, nonsmoking bars/restaurants, not having to carry cash, knowing when to push or pull on doors, not looking at the currency exchange, good chai tea lattes, stargazing, being able to speak proper English without an accent, appetizers, thunderstorms, air-conditioning (sometimes). In terms of food: Super Target, Starbucks, Chipotle, Flat Top Grill, Kashi Meals, Cliff Bars, Odwalla Bars, Fiber One bars, Silk milk, Edamame, Hummus.

Other than those things, I really haven’t missed too much. There are so many great alternatives to things over here that make it quite easy.

Things I miss in Innsbruck:

My amazing friends. All Erasmus students. Waking up everyday to the mountains. Going hiking or skiing. Tomato/Mozzarella sandwiches, Der Backer Ruetz, the city itself, riding my bike everywhere, efficient public transportation, crazy nights in Innsbruck, dancing and being high on life knowing I’m in Europe, Akademikerhilfe, fresh mountain air, most delicious fresh mountain water from the alps, speaking the little German that I do know, CafĂ© 360, Baggersee, walking through the city and always running into someone I know, always meeting new amazing people, planning trips like it’s my job, COUCHSURFING, sharing dinners in the kitchen, listening to Konahitz and awesome European music, parties at Stadt Salle, the Sound of scooters zooming by outside my window, Cars stopping everytime you cross a street. Florian fahradd (Name of my bike!), Playing charades trying to figure out what they said in German, Centro: Hellas chicky pitas!!, Walking through town knowing that I live here, People being so nice and genuine. Everyone in class with their pencil holders. Seeing BMW and Mercedes everywhere, Chilis falafel kebabs. How Green everyone is. Cheap airline carriers. Accents, making parties, keeping my shoes on while going through airport security, bars open late. Learning so many new things. Latte machiattos. Traffic lights turning yellow before they turn green. Bob.at. Improper English, hitting my head on my 1980s tv. My iPhone. Eurotrash, murses. Old women with purple or random unnatural colors in their hair. My favorite german words: entahuldigun, bitte, ganow, scheisse. Fannypacks. Free music. Fresh bread, small European cars.

I could probably go on and on with that list, but those who lived there know exactly what I'm talking about. Innsbruck is the most spectacular city I've ever been to. So easy to fall in love with this place. 
Innsbruck, you will always hold a special place in my hear.
 After such an exciting journey, I'm finally back in the USA. Nearly two weeks in Illinois and then I flew down to Orlando, Florida for my graduation from the University of Central Florida. I graduated summa cum laude and number one in my class with a Bachelors of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management. 
Rosen College of Hospitality Management

UCF Graduate
Friends and family after graduation ceremony!
 After graduation I'm not going to fall into the trap of getting a corporate job and being "stuck" in one place for years. I plan to continue traveling and working around the world. There are too many places I've yet to see and what better time than now. Life is about happiness and fun which I believe many people don't take full advantage of existing opportunites. Yes there are many things we must take seriously, but doesn't mean you can't have fun while doing it. Don't let anyone but yourself define your success or happiness in life. This fall I will continue my passion for traveling by heading down to Central America for a few months!

Since being back I've had a lot of time to relax and catch up with friends and family which has been absolutely great. On the other hand I've also been extremely busy accomplishing a thousand things as well. 
Back with my family!
My amazing American friends
    I want to thank everyone who has been reading my blog, it has been a great pleasure sharing my experience with you and knowing so many of you have been following it. Be sure to check back, as this is the last post from my European adventure, but I hope to continue with blog posts from around the world during all my travels. 

To end with a few true amazing quotes:

"When you least expect it, the great adventure finds you."
"Life is a journey, and only you hold that map." 
"I met a lot of people during my travels; I even met myself."

"Like all good travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and have remembered more than I have seen."

"Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. "

"We travel, some of us forever."

Innsbruck, Austria

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics from the graduation :) Sweeeeet...

    Hope everything is fine?

    PS:Do you remember Heinz's girlfriend? :)

    Mikel from Italy
